GM Crops Now Banned in 39 Countries Worldwide – Sustainable Pulse Research

Posted on Oct 22 2015 - 6:44pm by Sustainable Pulse

Following the recent green wave of genetically modified (GM) crop cultivation bans across the European Union, Sustainable Pulse decided to research which countries have decided to officially ban the cultivation of GM crops around the Globe.

GM Crops

This research has led to the discovery that there is a growing swell of government level support worldwide for bans on GM crop cultivation for both health and environmental reasons.

Thirty nine (39) countries worldwide have officially banned the cultivation of GM crops and only 28 actually grow GM crops (most of which grow under 500 thousand hectares). The picture painted by the Biotech industry and the U.S. government that GM crops have been accepted by the majority of countries worldwide is therefore quite obviously wrong.

In fact many countries have recently started to put in place regulations to protect their population and environment from the environmental and health damage caused by GM crops.

Sustainable Pulse welcomes additions or edits to the list below from readers / experts from around the Globe – Please contact [email protected] .

Official GM crop cultivation bans:

Africa (2)

The picture on GM cultivation bans across Africa is not clear due to the current pressure being put on many African governments by the Biotech industry and the Gates Foundation to lift long-standing bans on the import of unmilled GMO seeds or unmilled GMO food aid, however two countries do still have full legal bans on GM crop cultivation:

Algeria (since 2000)

Madagascar (since 2002)

Asia (4)




Saudi Arabia

Americas (4)





Europe (28)



Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland



The Netherlands


















Bosnia and Herzegovina


Ukraine (although there is massive GM contamination in the country)



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About the Author

Sustainable Pulse is a global news outlet covering sustainable agriculture, GMOs and pesticides.

48 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Marc October 22, 2015 at 20:13 - Reply

    How about Zimbabwe?

    • Sustainable Pulse October 22, 2015 at 23:23 - Reply

      Hi Marc, We know that Zimbabwe has banned unmilled GM crop imports and imports of GM seeds but we are not aware of a full cultivation ban? Best Regards, Sustainable Pulse Team

      • nyika rwatirera March 17, 2016 at 16:22 - Reply

        true that

      • JEremy May 7, 2016 at 16:10 - Reply

        It seems obvious any country banning the importation of seeds of GMOs whether they passed any laws against cultivation or not, were obviously aimed in that direction. To be honest, this is a country in which the laws are plainly stated, and trying to find “loopholes” as you seem to think you have done here, simply isnt going to work.

  2. GMOsRdEadly October 22, 2015 at 22:41 - Reply

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had adults in Washington and more real scientists in the US?

    • fukoff June 2, 2016 at 05:20 - Reply

      you cant have it both ways in capitalism everyone goes to the dark side

  3. Peter Melchett October 23, 2015 at 01:40 - Reply

    Great research – thank you. I think ’36 countries worldwide have officially banned the cultivation of GM crops and only 28 actually grow GM crops’ is an excellent new statistic!

  4. Leila Gargoum October 23, 2015 at 16:40 - Reply

    I am a non-GMO supporter… Debating with those who feel the GMO’s are fine who state that there might be political reasons as to why these countries have banned genetically modified foods in their countries is difficult without various country’s reasonings. What are the true reasonings that these countries are banning GMO’s? It’s very difficult to debate with GMO supporters, when there’s really no information as to why these countries have banned the GMO’s to debate with GMO supporters. Can Anyone cite info for various countries? Please?

    • Randy doyal November 2, 2015 at 00:12 - Reply

      Actually, only one country bans gmo food imports, Kenya. Europe imports tons of gmo food for human consumption and about 72% of their livestock food is from gmo imports.
      It must be political since science supports gmo for human consumption

      • Luma December 30, 2015 at 19:45 - Reply

        Yes it reminds me of what the US does with DDT. It’s illegal here to use, but we are still the largest producers of it and also the largest consumers of it.

      • Ted March 10, 2016 at 22:23 - Reply

        Independent science does not support GMO production, only the science of the companies that produce GM products and their science is incomplete, inaccurate and self serving. Why is it necessary for the public to prove that GM is not safe, rather than require the producers to prove it is safe. Drug companies have far greater hurdles to over come for products people may only consume for a very short period of time. We consume food daily for survival and therefore will be affected more seriously by potential issues related to what we consume as food.
        Having said that, their are countless species being impacted by GM. The loss of these species through the effects on them by GM, will also have serious implications for our future.

        • Tim January 11, 2017 at 03:14 - Reply

          Crickets – no response.

    • Terri October 6, 2016 at 09:42 - Reply

      I agree and wonder why your comment is not getting a response from the site. Those of us who want to help educate others need help in providing the brainwashed with credible sites, we know all studies showing how safe poison in our food is are sponsored by moncrapo and others but try searching for information to show that poison in our food is a bad idea and few sources come up…Im sure that is by design but still those of us trying to educate others need help in providing factual information and sources. PLEASE HELP

    • Caroline Magoha February 23, 2018 at 17:38 - Reply

      Italy I know has banned it to protect original and unique produce. We’re very careful what we eat and the zero kilometre trend is spreading. We still gather wild foods that are very precious in our regions.

  5. Gina October 25, 2015 at 21:13 - Reply

    What about the Pacific please and South East Asia. Australia, Indonesia,

  6. Dee October 26, 2015 at 06:43 - Reply

    What is the situation in Australia?

    • Ozguy35 July 6, 2016 at 15:54 - Reply

      Australia accepts and grows GMO produce unfortunately. The only way to avoid this is going full organic here.

      • Mimi September 28, 2016 at 14:55 - Reply

        Incorrect. South Australia is GMO free.

  7. Nini November 1, 2015 at 11:40 - Reply

    I am french & here it is banned because we are Fully aware that it is no good for humans health ,this is the very first reason…..if the corn is no good for a living insects,no way can it be good for a living human….

  8. Barb Holcomb November 1, 2015 at 17:13 - Reply

    what about China? I’ve read on another website that China bans its use but imports GMO soybeans and it is the biggest manufacturer of Round-up. Are these things true?

    • Sarah February 18, 2016 at 02:32 - Reply

      I’ve read that China only grows GM cotton. Even though the government has heavily invested in the research of GM crops and is reportedly “trying to foster a positive opinion of GMO food crops”, they remain banned for cultivation .

  9. Nancy Brown November 5, 2015 at 17:21 - Reply

    Thank you for taking the time to compile this information! This is extremely helpful as we make the case that the US is increasingly an OUTLIER in allowing GM cultivation. Europeans look at us with pity because we can’t even get disclosure of GMO content on food packaging. The only appropriate remedy in view of the known and unknown hazards associated with GMOs is an outright ban of GM cultivation AND GM food.

  10. julie December 19, 2015 at 22:34 - Reply

    What about the Dominican Republic. I know they import a lot of processed food. What about their seeds for farming and for animal feed

  11. Luma December 30, 2015 at 19:40 - Reply

    For many years now, when I have time I like to call the 1800 numbers on tomato product packaging asking the customer service people if they use “flavor savor” or GM tomatoes (letting the votes be counted with others who are concerned) and I have been surprised at how many no longer use them! Some still use GM corn syrup, but that seems to be dwindling too. If more people knew, I’m sure we would all vote them out with our financial choices.
    So thank you to all of us who make sacrifices to spend more $ to do the right thing, and spend our time sharing info. Those invisible ripples REALLY do make a difference.

  12. Dmitry From New Zealand January 3, 2016 at 14:19 - Reply

    IMO a sufficient reason to ban GM worldwide would be because it is being promoted by the same companies that made Agent Orange. Make money now, worry about consequences later. It’s like accepting a ride with a multiple convicted drink-driver: he may sound convincing he’ll get you where you want to go, “no worries”, but you are risking your health, just because of who he is.

    • JEremy May 7, 2016 at 16:18 - Reply

      Excellent points, paired with the fact that there IS proof that GMOs are not good for insects, there is no proof they are good for humans, and as was pointed out earlier, why should we have to prove they are bad? Let the agent orange manufacturers actually be held accountable, and let us not be so blind as to trust them again without proof.

  13. Gademor January 19, 2016 at 23:41 - Reply

    Please what of Ghana?

  14. Alan Grant March 17, 2016 at 06:47 - Reply

    Here’s a summary for anyone who isn’t sure about GM crops and GM food products (and please just ignore the industry shills posting on here):

    The Entire GMO Approval Process is based on Deception

    According to extensive FDA memos made public through a lawsuit, the overwhelming consensus of the agency’s own scientists was that genetically engineered foods pose abnormal and unique risks including new toxins, allergens and nutritional problems. The scientists called for rigorous safety tests to protect our health. Tragically, a political appointee at the FDA covered up the warnings and allowed genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the market without requiring any testing. That official in charge of GMO policy was formerly an attorney representing the GMO giant, Monsanto. He later became Monsanto’s Vice President and is now back at the FDA as the “US Food Czar.”

    GMO Food is Soaked with Poison

    Over 90% of US GMOs are engineered to withstand being sprayed with Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup. Glyphosate and glyphosate herbicides are classified by the World Health Organization as “probable” human carcinogens. Glyphosate is a powerful synthetic antibiotic and blocks mineral absorption. Glyphosate herbicides are endocrine disruptors and mitochondrial toxins, and have been linked to birth defects.

    Industry Uses “Tobacco Science” to Hide Evidence

    Monsanto and others have been caught designing their research on GMOs and Roundup to hide problems, and they distort or deny adverse findings when they do arise. In truth, numerous animal feeding studies show evidence of harm, including cancer, organ damage, accelerated signs of aging, immune system problems, hormone imbalance, reproductive and developmental problems, and premature death.

    “The results of most studies with GM foods indicate that they may cause some common toxic effects such as hepatic, pancreatic, renal, or reproductive effects…”
    – Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (A. Dona and I.S. Arvanitoyannis)

    Thousands of Physicians say No to GMOs

    Although the industry claims that no humans have been hurt by consuming GMOs, there has been no scientific monitoring of human health reactions. Furthermore, thousands of healthcare practitioners advise their patients to stop eating GMOs, and many report that doing so has resulted in significant improvements in digestive disorders, obesity, diabetes, allergies, kidney disease, infertility, fatigue, chronic pain, inflammation, and autism.

    “Over half of American children now have a chronic health disorder and this number is likely to rise. Intestinal dysfunction is evident in nearly all patients seen in my clinic. A significant number of them get better simply by switching to an organic diet. It’s that simple.”
    – Michelle Perro, MD, Pediatrician

    Experts Reject GMOs as Solution to World Hunger

    We are continually told that we need genetically engineered crops to feed the world, but experts dismiss this as public relations fiction. The IAASTD Report, the most comprehensive report on the future of food and agriculture (sponsored by the World Bank and the UN, written by over 400 scientists and endorsed by 59 countries), did not endorse GMOs as a solution to world hunger. In fact, genetic engineering has not significantly increased U.S. crop yields, according to the USDA and controlled comparative studies. Some GMOs have lower yields than non-GMO crops.

    High-Risk GMOs Should Not Be In Our Food or Fields

    Once you examine the scientific references, read reports from doctors, learn how corporations spin and suppress findings, and look at the repeated warnings by FDA scientists, you will likely conclude that these high-risk foods should never have been introduced. While rising disease rates alone don’t prove causation, when you examine the published charts of more than 20 disorders skyrocketing in parallel with the introduction and increased use of GMOs and glyphosate, the potential magnitude of what these products may be doing to us begins to dawn. And when you realize that contamination of the gene pool is irreversible and that the biotech industry is preparing to introduce GMO versions of virtually all commercial seeds, as well as livestock, fish, trees, grass, flowers, and pets, you will then understand that our generation faces a pivotal decision that affects the future of all living beings on this planet.

    Are we ready to replace nature with a Monsanto version? Are we OK with permanently altering our ecosystem and food supply using a technology whose most consistent feature is surprise side-effects?

    Put genetic engineering back into the lab. Before it is used in our food or released outdoors, we must at least have comprehensive independent safety studies and a thorough investigation into the scientific fraud and deception that have been perpetrated on the American public and our elected officials.


  15. Blemsta April 11, 2016 at 12:42 - Reply

    These data are not reliable since GMO is not banned in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia.

  16. Daniel Phene May 2, 2016 at 04:01 - Reply

    Do countries that ban the growing of gmo crops also ban the importation of them? Are there really thirty some-odd countries that eat zero gmos?

  17. Aaron Foley May 19, 2016 at 13:14 - Reply

    The Republic of Ireland is not on your list of Europaen Countries. Is that accurate?

  18. Ayala Be'er June 1, 2016 at 05:44 - Reply

    what about Israel?

    • Bryan French April 6, 2017 at 15:25 - Reply

      The halacha rulings have been that if it is simply expressing or restricting already existing genes (turning an existing gene on or off) in the organism then the food produced by that organism is still considered kosher.

      If it is manually rewriting a gene to do something the original gene would have never been able to do, such as re-sequencing a gene for yellow colored seeds to produce an insecticide instead, or insert a gene from a completely unrelated organism into another organism, such as put an animal or insect gene into a plant gene, then the food produced by that organism is treif.

      Thus all the food for animal and human consumption produced in Israel is considered non-GMO.

      Also the vast majority of foods that were certified as kosher prior to US GMO labeling and disclosure laws going into effect have had their certifications pulled. It was really weird. Instantly Lays and Doritos in the US, which are made with GMOs, were no longer kosher and Pringles, which is non-GMO, was instantly certified kosher.

  19. Sharon June 18, 2016 at 00:20 - Reply

    Hi, I was told that China banned GMO corn from their country can you verify if that is correct. I did not see them on the list.
    Thank you,

  20. Allison June 29, 2016 at 05:17 - Reply

    What’s wrong with England & Ireland? All the other UK countries have banned them.

  21. Damian August 17, 2016 at 20:16 - Reply

    Are there any countries in the Caribbean? If not I really wish Cuba will be the first. That will be a major blow to fast food chains. There is very low cancer,diabetes and obesity in Cuba.

  22. daoud February 6, 2017 at 16:49 - Reply

    how about mauritania

  23. David R.(Canada) February 8, 2017 at 22:36 - Reply

    I have been led to believe that the Philippines has put a total ban on GMOs: growing and importation.

  24. Arwen May 7, 2017 at 18:15 - Reply

    How about Australia?

  25. Mohammed June 4, 2017 at 17:36 - Reply

    what about Persian?

  26. Dede February 22, 2018 at 20:19 - Reply

    This is Feb. 2018. Do you have an update on the latest in this regard?

  27. David R(Canada) July 25, 2018 at 01:38 - Reply

    Since the last list I got from Sustainable Pulse (Feb 2017) two countries have gone from the list: The Philippines and El Salvador.
    What happened to these two countries?
    Did they fold under pressure, or did a politician take a bribe?

  28. Tait Wells August 9, 2018 at 23:45 - Reply

    Looks like I will be moving to Europe in the next couple of years. People are so clueless here in the United States

  29. Sheila M Cooperman September 5, 2018 at 23:54 - Reply

    Hi, here is what people do not get. I stopped eating GMO’s they were causing inflammation to the back of my eyes, and affecting my eye-site. With that said, once I stopped, I started dropping weight without even trying. I lost 20 lbs in just a few months, and I am now a size 2. I am glad there is such a concern about gmos, but what about the other beauty, Monsanto created, the rBGH, rBST. It almost killed me, and it’s symptoms are that of crones, and IBS. So, you just have to wonder.
    In addition, the GMOs are bastardizing our foods, and the nutrients are being destroyed. Without these nutrients, it directly affects our Mental Health. When will they get it, Just more Friendly Fire. !!!!

  30. Christopher Assad October 16, 2018 at 15:17 - Reply

    I am told that Syria has banned GMOs completely as well. Is it true?

  31. huide September 27, 2019 at 19:34 - Reply

    Can anyone give the pointers on the proof of GMO crop does harm the insect.
    Many thanks

  32. WERNER GEUTHER June 18, 2023 at 15:50 - Reply

    The main driver for GMO is the total control of seeds (plants) and offsprings (livestock). Why? Any plant and livestock altered by GMO are no longer classified as being natural. Therefore the global monster corporations are able to PATENT all plant and livestock. In other words the god given gifts of free seeds and offsprings are gone for ever.

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