Following the recent bans on the use of glyphosate-based herbicides by cities and institutions in the U.S., including Key West, Los Angeles, the University of California and Miami, Sustainable Pulse decided to research which countries around the world have banned or restricted the use of the world’s most used herbicide.

This research has led to the discovery that there is a growing swell of government level support worldwide for bans on glyphosate-based herbicides for both health and environmental reasons.
21 countries have now banned or restricted the use of this carcinogenic herbicide.
Previous research by Sustainable Pulse on the number of countries that have banned GM Crops has reached millions of people and we look forward to our latest research reaching an even wider audience. Sustainable Pulse welcomes additions or edits to the list below from readers and experts from around the Globe.
Malawi: Malawi’s Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development announced the suspension of import permits for glyphosate in April 2019.
Togo: In the West African country of Togo, it is now prohibited to ‘import, market or use glyphosate and any product containing it’.
Thailand: Thailand’s National Hazardous Substances Committee voted to ban glyphosate and chemicals paraquat and chlorpyrifos from December 2019. This ban was later changed from a ban to a restriction on use.
Vietnam: Vietnam announced that it banned the import of all glyphosate-based herbicides with in March 2019 following a cancer trial verdict from San Francisco
Sri Lanka: In 2015 a full import ban on all glyphosate-based herbicides was put in place by the then newly elected President Maithripala Sirisena. This ban was partly lifted in July 2018 but only for use on tea and rubber plantations.
Six Middle Eastern countries banned the import and use of glyphosate-based herbicides in coordination with each other in 2015 and 2016:
- Oman
- Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait
- United Arab Emirates
- Bahrain
- Qatar
Central America:
Mexico: The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), Mexico’s Environment Ministry, announced in June 2020 that glyphosate-based herbicides will be phased out of use in the country by 2024 to protect human health and the environment.
Bermuda: Bermuda’s Environment Minister Cole Simons confirmed the ban on glyphosate-based herbicides at a public meeting in January 2017.
St Vincent and the Grenadines: In August 2018 Agriculture Minister Saboto Caesar called on all stakeholders to be understanding of the new suspension on glyphosate-based herbicides “in light of the nation’s quest to promote a safe working environment and good agricultural health and food safety practices.”
Costa Rica: In December 2019 Costa Rica’s National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) banned the use of glyphosate herbicides in all protected wild areas in the country as well as on all SINAC owned land.
Austria: In July 2019 the Austrian Parliament voted in favor of banning glyphosate completely in the country. This ban was later delayed and the situation surrounding the ban is still unclear.
Belgium: In October 2018 the ban on the sale of broad-spectrum herbicides (including glyphosate) to non-professional users entered in to force across Belgium.
Czech Republic: In 2018 the Czech Republic put strict restrictions on the use of glyphosate and banned pre-harvest spraying; “These substances (glyphosate-based herbicides) will only be employed in cases when no other efficient method can be used,” Agriculture Minister Miroslav Toman said.
Denmark: In July 2018, the Danish government implemented new rules banning the use of glyphosate on all post-emergent crops to avoid residues on foods.
France: In 2017 France banned the use of glyphosate and all other pesticides in public green spaces. In November 2018 President Macron said he would take all measures necessary to ensure that glyphosate-based herbicides are banned in France as soon as an alternative is available and at the latest within three years. However, he has since stated that this deadline may only be 80% met.
Italy: In August 2016 Italy’s Ministry of Health banned the use of glyphosate in public areas and also as a pre-harvest spray.
The Netherlands: From the end of 2015 the sale of glyphosate-based herbicides has been banned to all non-business entities.
Glyphosate Box
Glyphosate Residue Free Certification for Food Brands – Click Here
Test Your Food and Water at Home for Glyphosate – Click Here
Test Your Hair for Glyphosate and other Pesticides – Click Here to Find Out Your Long-Term Exposure
Many thanks for this work and very interesting article that’s we have translated in French – just a little modification concerning France To be more precise since January 1, 2017, local authorities, public institutions and the state can no longer use or have pesticides – and therefore glyphosate – used for the maintenance of green spaces, forests or walks accessible or open to the public, and in their public or private domain. This ban applies to amateur gardeners since January 1, 2019.
Why can’t anyone convince the Hawaiian Islands to stop using Roundup. Landscapers spray homes, Dept of Transportation sprays the highways, the County sprays streets, Bayer sprays large areas of land for testing.
Glyphosate will be the death of our fragile ecosystem.
They have a big movement, and awful health issues. However, the chem companies can get off 5 test crops per year in Kaui, so the people are overruled, and poisoned.
I want to go back to the time before the organophosfate chemicals, DDT, GMOs and Roundup, ever touched the face of the Earth.
Today, June 7, 2019 the County Council of Northumberland in Ontario, Canada voted to stop using RoundUp in roadside and forest path spraying. County staff has been asked to come up with alternatives to RoundUp for these purposes and the ‘bottom line’ is not to be the defining question.
I have a story. These glyphosates are causing many health issues for senior women. Neuropathy has become my most difficult symptom to manage when I get near it. Since True Green thinks they have to over-spray anything that is green and make it brown, I don’t understand the meaning of their company. I’ve moved 3 times in 1 year running, and I mean running from those trucks spraying everywhere. They swarm into our neighborhoods like wasps. The workers gasp and cough the entire time they are drowning the natural earth with the poison. In about 20 minutes my feet, hands and arms are on FIRE. My toes are RED and I hurt. My head feels like it will explode. My chest – heart- begins to cramp up. My back shoulder area begins to itch. I become serious agitated. I feel like I want to fight with anyone that looks at me. ‘terrible. I have been tested for glysophate toxicity. I have 6 times more glysophate chemicals in me than the test group that ranges in the 95% group. WE ARE ABSORBING killer chemicals and as we age and our hormones decline–we absorb more. I have been in contact with many women that are suffering just like me. We have no where to go. No doctor can help up. We are sitting ducks waiting to be finished off. PLEASE stop spraying our communities and parks. I can no longer go to outside concerts. Forget going to Lowes or Home Depo. OMG the bags of lawn products kill me. I am now the canary. People should listen to me.
Has the Canadian local authorities come with a Glyphosate alternative for roadside signage spraying.
Australia may have to adopt that sort of programme in the future.
Pls advise
In today’s USA, with its openly-corrupt form of ‘market corporatism’ tens of millions of people can easily be poisoned for profit. Can be and ARE being so-poisoned with increasing ease and with lack of effective accountability or penalty.
Why? Because too many giant corporations currently wield sufficient political power, both directly and indirectly, that they now virtually control the very government agencies/entities (including the Congress) that are supposed to reasonably protect the life, liberty, and well-being of the citizenry.
I am not advocating for any kind Soviet-style, centrally-planned political economy, but instead for a common sense, legal re-balancing of public vs. private power within what we currently miscall ‘capitalism’ in the USA –and, getting undue and hidden forms of private money out of our political elections would certainly be a necessary first step toward any such RE-BALANCING,much as some European capitalist democracies have done..
Glyphosate, Chlorpyrifos, and a host of of other legally marketed human toxins and mass-poisonous processes, will never be appropriately controlled until or unless the rightful, democratic functions of civil government are returned to a sovereign mass of well-informed, individual
citizens– i.e., public functions of government that corporations and economic monopolies have no business controlling for their own, single, private interests.
Thank you Nancy for sharing this shocking information. I feel angry that Montsano has poisoned us all in some way and that you are experiencing these truly awful symptoms. I am a senior woman too, in Australia, and am concerned about the way glyphosate is widely used here.I used it myself until a few years ago when I found out it was dangerous.
Very glad that good people like the sustainable pulse is warning us and putting the pressure on to ban harmful chemicals.
@ Rick Arnold,
The USDA conducted a study on agricultural vinegar and cleaning vinegar w/dishsoap and salt. They found that both were 100% effective against the same weeds that glyphosate products and 2,4-D products were used for. In addition, no motility in the soil, safe for use near streams, does not harm aquatic life or change the ph of streams, plants don’t develope resitance to it. They found it as good as or better than both those pesticides and cheaper.
Just mow the road allowances .
look at the work of dr zach bush.