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Sir Malcolm Conrad Walker CBE, an English businessman who is the founder, chairman and chief executive of Iceland Foods Ltd, a large grocery chain in the UK, wrote the article below in Retail Week, on why he stood up against GMO foods from the start! “In the headlines last month came news that another...

On Thursday, the London Assembly called on the Mayor to cease the use of the herbicide on Greater London Authority (GLA) land and the Transport for...

Civil society organisations from Africa and around the world, have denounced the release of genetically modified (GM) “male-sterile” mosquitoes in...

Lawmakers in Austria’s lower house of parliament voted to ban all uses of controversial herbicide glyphosate on Tuesday, as the substance faces...

Use of Bayer’s contested weedkiller glyphosate, the subject of more than 10,000 lawsuits in the US over claims it causes cancer, will eventually...

Glyphosate, the most heavily used pesticide in the U.S., should be added to the list of toxic chemicals the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Roundup, the world’s top herbicide, has been mired in controversy in recent months as the jurors in three court cases have found it causes cancer. Bayer...

Sustainable Pulse exclusive interview with the Director of Poisoning Paradise, Keely Shaye Brosnan. Poisoning Paradise: Journey to the seemingly idyllic...

Austria has dramatically upped the stakes in Europe’s long-running glyphosate battle by putting itself on track to become the first EU country to fully...

The vitamin A precursor beta-carotene is only present at low levels in GM golden rice, when compared to carrots and green leafy vegetables. But it rapidly...