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In Chile, the largest seed exporter in the southern hemisphere, Bayer is expanding the GM seed production factories of its subsidiary Monsanto Following is an English translation of an article from the German newspaper Deutsche Welle (DW), translated by Google/GMWatch from a Spanish version circulated by...

RootWave, a pioneer in electrical weed killing solutions, today secured ca. EUR 6.5m in a Series A investment round led by Willem Broekaert of V-Bio Ventures...

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is in the process of becoming the first country to ban the use of the substance glyphosate in herbicides. Source: Press...

As reported by U.S. Right to Know last May, court documents showed that a domestic policy advisor at the White House said, ‘We have Monsanto’s...

In the West African country of Togo, it is now prohibited to ‘import, market or use glyphosate and any product containing it ‘. The decision...

Sustainable Pulse interview with Axis Farms’ Partner, Mark Sanders, discussing the future of wheat farming in Canada and why they decided it is important...

According the a new study, soybean production in South America now covers over 57 million hectares, more than on any other continent. The consequences...

Following the five-year re-approval of the active substance glyphosate by the European Union in 2017, the French health and safety agency ANSES is reviewing...

Representatives from the European Member States in the EU Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCOPAFF) voted Friday to ban the neurotoxic pesticides...

Researchers have claimed a world first in herbicide resistance, after discovering a tropical weed in Western Australia’s far north that literally...