You Are Browsing ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ Category

Mark Lynas has attracted considerable media attention by apologising for founding the anti-GM movement. But this background briefing from those in the know makes clear Lynas was never remotely a founder or even a key player in that movement, or in the green movement more widely. Those setting the record straight...

Fred Perlak, the Monsanto Vice President in Hawaii, has flatly denied that there have been 200 000 farmer suicides in India and also refused to comment...

In light of recent studies, researchers are accusing Brussels of being too slow to reassess the herbicide’s toxicity. Roundup and glyphosate, its active...

In Argentina, locals exposed to herbicides have reported suffering from multiple conditions. San Jorge (Argentina) – The list of diseases that inhabitants...

Election campaigns attract interest from all sorts of groups. Even bikini-clad beach babes overseas. So today we bring you the BAB campaign against GMOs...

Paul Deheuvels is an eminent statistician and a member of the French Academy of Sciences. Yet he was not consulted when the Academy released a statement...

Surf legend Kelly Slater has come out with a stunning attack on GMOs and their biotech giant developers’ seed patents. In his Hawaii video,  produced...

Hawaii based Babes Against Biotech have come out with a sultry video attacking the Premier of Western Australia Colin Barnett, as the GMO debate threatens...

This video is the 1st time in the world that a TV campaign with approx 6 million views will expose the Seralini 2012 research to the mass public in an...

Seventy-five year old Indiana grain farmer Vernon Bowman joined HuffPost Live Wednesday to discuss his patent battle against global seed giant Monsanto,...