You Are Browsing ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ Category

According the a new study, soybean production in South America now covers over 57 million hectares, more than on any other continent. The consequences for amphibians have been devastating, as is clear from the study highlights and abstract Source: GM Watch The authors conclude in their study: “Our work...

Following the five-year re-approval of the active substance glyphosate by the European Union in 2017, the French health and safety agency ANSES is reviewing...

Representatives from the European Member States in the EU Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCOPAFF) voted Friday to ban the neurotoxic pesticides...

Researchers have claimed a world first in herbicide resistance, after discovering a tropical weed in Western Australia’s far north that literally...

Amidst the clamor that surrounds Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) globally, a small but significant triumph panned out in South Africa last month....

A new report, Insect Declines and Why They Matter, commissioned by an alliance of UK Wildlife Trusts in the south west, concludes that drastic declines...

Last month in Ghana, Agnes Kalibata, President of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, congratulated an illustrious group of corporate and...

This month, the Thai government moved to ban some toxic chemicals out of concern for the health of its residents and environment. In response, U.S. Department...

Lawsuits against Bayer are on the rise over claims that the company’s weedkiller causes cancer. The legal cases have taken a toll on Bayer’s...

Thailand edged closer Tuesday to banning glyphosate and two other controversial pesticides despite protests from farmers in a multi-billion-dollar agriculture...