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The Philippines Supreme Court on Tuesday, December 8, permanently stopped the field testing for Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) talong (eggplant), upholding the decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) which stopped the field trials for the genetically modified eggplant. Source: In denying...

Dicamba herbicide drift onto plants growing adjacent to farm fields causes significant delays in flowering, as well as reduced flowering, of those plants,...

Russian President Vladimir Putin has told the Russian Parliament that Russia should become the world’s largest supplier of organic foods, in a message...

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA), IFOAM International Organics, Navdanya, Regeneration International (RI), and Millions Against Monsanto, joined...

Monsanto’s Intacta RR2 PRO soybeans are outperformed by non-GM soybeans in the major soy-producing regions of Brazil, according to a new scientific study reported in...

On the eve of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences and Medicine International Summit on Human Gene Editing, the Center for Genetics and Society and Friends...

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), responding to litigation, has announced it is revoking the registration of “Enlist Duo.”  Approved by...

Center for Food Safety today announced plans to sue the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to block the agency’s approval for sale and consumption...

One of the World’s largest independent sustainable agriculture medias, Sustainable Pulse, has been banned by the Chinese government in all of mainland...

Despite the tragic and ‘corrupt’ nature of the EU Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and their report Thursday stating the ‘unlikely’...