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Local Malvinas citizens and GMO Free campaigners from across Argentina celebrated Wednesday after the Chamber of Labour ordered the construction of Monsanto’s giant GM seed plant in the town to be stopped. The Chamber of Labor also urged the local municipality to refrain from issuing any type of construction...

Republican Governor Paul LePage has kept his written promise to the people of Maine by signing Maine’s GMO labeling bill, LD 718, into law on Thursday. LePage...

In a victory for the GMO Free movement in Australia the Tasmanian Government announced Thursday that it has extended the state’s ban on genetically...

Sudanese authorities have seized a shipment of genetically modified (GM) soybeans at Port Sudan harbour, stating that it is currently ‘illegal’...

The USDA has issued a draft statement essentially giving the green light to the marketing, sale and planting of GM corn and soybeans resistant to the hazardous...

British organisation GM Freeze has offered congratulations to farmers and consumers as 2014 marks the first year since 2007 that no GM trials will be conducted...

A Mexican judge has thrown out the appeals of Mexico’s SEMARNAT (Environment and Natural Resources Ministry), and Monsanto, who were attempting to overturn...

Monsanto is currently on a well hidden worldwide winter offensive with their main targets including India, China and Russia, as they aim to open up new...

GM crops in Brazil have brought higher agrochemical use and lower yields and productivity, according to a new report based on government data. In the new...

Police from Huaihua city in Central China’s Hunan province, have busted a suspected GM corn seeds smuggling ring, the National Business Daily reported...