The Chinese army has ordered all military supply stations to only allow the purchase of non-GMO grain and food oil due to health safety concerns over GMOs.

This move by the Chinese army is being seen as yet another step towards the Chinese government’s expected ban on the import of all GMO grains and oilseeds within the next 2 years, due to growing public concern over GMOs. The expected ban would be a huge blow to the Biotech industry worldwide.
The Hubei Province Xiangyang City Grain Bureau’s website announced on May 6, 2014:
“During recent years, as China’s grain and oil market has continuously developed, certain GMO grain and GMO food oil products have entered the market. In view that the safety concerns about GMO grain and oil products in China at present has not yet been determined, in order to overall assure the health of military members residing in our city and safety of their drinks and food, in accordance to the request from the Guangzhou Military Command Joint Logistics Department and the Provincial Military Grain & Food Oil Supply Center, from this date all military supply stations are allowed to only purchase non-GMO grain and food oil products from the designated processing enterprises. It is forbidden to supply GMO grain and food oil products to military units within their administration areas.”
Chen I-wan, an Advisor to the Committee of Disaster History to the China Disaster Prevention Association stated; “The army has established excellent model for people of the whole nation: No GMO staple food and GMO food oil should enter the army food supply.”
Fact Box: The Chinese army is the world’s largest military force, with a strength of approximately 2,285,000 personnel, about 0.18% of the country’s population.
The GMO Free movement in China has gained serious public support and now the Chinese government seems to be seriously listening;
On April 25 the paper ‘We Must Face the harm caused by imported GM soybeans to 1.3 billion Chinese people’ written by Mi Zhen-yu, was published by the “Science & Technology Abstracts Newspaper”. This newspaper, is under the leadership of the Ministry of Science & Technology of China.
Mi Zhen-yu is the Former Vice President, Academy of Military Science, Doctoral tutor, Lieutenant General; National People’s Representative of the 8th National People’s Congress, Committee member of the 9th National People’s Political Consultancy Committee.
What the Chinese are much more smarter then Americans……Ohhh. I forgot Americans are just ignorant. lazy and don’t like to hear the truth because they can’t handle the truth!! DUMBASSES
Don’t be such a dumbass, Scott. Monsanto and their cronies are on the way out here in America. It’s a hard battle to fight but slowly and surely we will win in the end. We aren’t lazy and we aren’t ignorant so you can retract that statement anytime now. There are still many people here that don’t know about GMOs but they’re getting educated, it’s just a matter of time. I think you were just too anxious to jump the gun on this one.
Well said Ronnie.
Smart move!
Always wondered whether these people who produce GMO food will eat it too?
Now, what are the odds of that? Good for you guys. Thanks from all of us.
An army marches on its stomach. The Chinese don’t want their troops poisoned by GMO’s, and they have acted swiftly to ban them. It’s only the Obama-backed US corporations who are allowed to peddle this pseudo-food to the world, in an attempt to control the seed (food) supply of the world. It is a plan that must be stopped in its tracks immediately. Big up to China and Russia for saying NO to GMO. I say NO too. Join the March against Monsanto and say NO.
I have to stop you all right here. While I’m not opposed to the idea of more research, and I’m far from ignorant, you can’t just say “no GMOs”. If you know anything about history, then you know around 30 years ago there was a world population crisis, and India was starving. They just simply couldn’t (nor the rest of the world for that matter) grow the amount of grain to sustain the population. An American scientist pioneeeed a type of barley that could grow twice as fast, yield twice as much, and grow in climates not typically suited for growing that crop. It saved India. So, don’t stop questioning , educating yourself, but also remember, science is our friend. I’m sure none of you understand how your cell phone works, but you don’t seem to have an issue with them, right?
Hi Robert,
It must be remembered that India was ravaged by a plaque worse that starvation. From which starvation is spawned. It was ravaged by the British Empire. Then there is Bopal and Union Carbide. Here are links from India.
I do in fact have an issue with cell phones. So much so I don’t own one.
The subject of GMOs is a very deep one. Research should be longitudinal for many generations to verify that the result sought is the result achieved.