Despite the existence of chemical-free methods to eradicate pests, Americans use more than a billion pounds of agricultural pesticides per year. These...
The German Federal Minister for the Environment, Svenja Schulze, is calling for pesticide-free compensation areas and a binding date for the phase-out...
Sustainable Pulse interview with Christine Fitzgerald, Owner of SmartVine, the first ever Glyphosate Residue Free certified wine.
When did your company...
Pesticides are widely used chemicals that are impossible for most of us to avoid. Many people are aware that they impact weeds, insects, and fungi –...
German chemicals and pharmaceuticals giant Bayer will discard the name Monsanto when it takes over the controversial US seeds and pesticides producer this...
Purium’s Biome Medic has become the first product ever to receive third-party certification to show that it reduces the level of glyphosate in the human...
US government scientists have detected a weedkiller linked to cancer in an array of commonly consumed foods, emails obtained through a freedom of information...
The European Commission has learned its lesson from the glyphosate controversy and is coming forward with “bold proposals” on transparency, says Bernhard...