In practice, the advantages of GMOs have been shown to be weak or even misleading in the US, Argentina and Canada. Naturally, the situation repeats itself...

Standard toxicity testing is inadequate to assess the safety of a new technology with potential for creating pesticides and genetically modifying crops,...

There have been dramatic changes in the transgenic composition of GE corn and soybeans over the last five years, coupled with a substantial increase in...

The UK Soil Association has welcomed today’s decision by the EU to suspend the use of the three neonicotinoid pesticides (clothianidin, thiametoxam and...

Sustainable Pulse interview with Soil Association Head of Policy, Emma Hockridge. The Soil Association campaign Keep Britain Buzzing has received support...

GMO crops and GMO foods developed by Monsanto and other biotechnology giants are currently under the closest public scrutiny they have seen in their thirty-year...