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Close on the heels of transnational seed company Monsanto abandoning its programme for development of genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe last month, there are growing calls for the company to do the same in India. Source: Its...

More than 400 farmers coming from all over Bicol stormed the ongoing field testing of Golden Rice at the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit...

After several years of apparent short term success in Burkina Faso of Bt cotton in increasing yields, and improving profits of small scale cotton farmers,...

François Hollande confirmed Friday an extension of the moratorium on the cultivation of Monsanto’s GM maize MON810, despite the cancellation yesterday...

In practice, the advantages of GMOs have been shown to be weak or even misleading in the US, Argentina and Canada. Naturally, the situation repeats itself...

The world is on the edge of an ‘infertility disaster’ with the global sperm count having crashed over the past few decades. Is Roundup partly to blame? Brazilian...

Standard toxicity testing is inadequate to assess the safety of a new technology with potential for creating pesticides and genetically modifying crops,...

France’s last-remaining experimental open field trial of GMOs has been stopped. The National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA) ended the trial...

A few years ago WikiLeaks published 251,287 American Embassy dispatches. The action named “Cablegate” was more a spectacle from the German...

Although there are widespread objections in the European Union against genetically modified food, Monsanto wants to introduce a new, highly controversial...