A Care2 petition, which was signed by over 90 000 people, has led to Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide being removed from Waitrose stores across the UK, the supermarket confirmed on Friday.

Waitrose Customer Service sent the petition organizer Barbara G. a message saying: “I’m pleased to confirm that the last time we sold Roundup was in January this year. We’re committed to protecting our pollinators and after careful consideration decided to remove this product from our business.”
Barbara G.’s petition stated:
“On visiting my local Waitrose, I was shocked to see that they were selling Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer. RoundUp causes bees to starve and is a probable carcinogen.
10 Things You Need to Know about Glyphosate
RoundUp has been scientifically proven to produce negative effects on foraging bees. When honeybees come into contact with glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Roundup, they lose their ability to eat and have a much harder time learning how to forage properly.
20 species of bee have already disappeared. It is essential that we protect our remaining bees and stop using chemicals which result in them dying. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, of the 100 crops that provide 90% of the world’s food supply, 71 are pollinated by bees.
In addition to its effects on bees, frighteningly, RoundUp has been deemed a ‘probable’ carcinogen by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said that glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, was “classified asprobably carcinogenic to humans”.As a retailer, Waitrose has a responsibility to sell products which do not harm people, the environment or wildlife. I shop at Waitrose because they have a good range of organic and free-range food. Selling RoundUp is not in-line with their brand image of being ethical.”
Waitrose is not the first retail giant in the EU to have stopped selling glyphosate herbicides in the last year. The 350 ‘toom Baumarkt DIY’ stores belonging to the German REWE Group announced in May 2015 that they would no longer carry glyphosate-containing products.
Swiss supermarket giants Coop and Migros also announced in June 2015 that they would no longer sell products that contain glyphosate.
But what about in its food? Surely it’s the same thing.
Why can’t we petition Home Depot?
Please help me set up a petition for my local
We need to educate the masses.
This can be seen as a first step for a complete ban of such products, but the truth is that supermarket chains will remove certain items only if they create a bad image for them.