March Against Monsanto: Full Live Coverage (Continued)

Posted on Oct 13 2013 - 1:26pm by Sustainable Pulse

For Sustainable Pulse’s Saturday March Against Monsanto Coverage Click Here

Tami Canal, Creator of March Against Monsanto, Utah

St Louis, Monsanto HQ, March Against Monsanto

Vienna, Austria, March Against Monsanto

Maui, Hawaii, March Against Monsanto

Leer, Germany, March Against Monsanto

White House, March Against Monsanto

IMF / World Bank Meetings, March Against Monsanto

Europe, Marches Against Monsanto

Toronto, Canada, March Against Monsanto

Berlin, Germany, March Against Monsanto

West Palm Beach, Florida, March Against Monsanto

Helena Paul, London talks about South America GM situation, March Against Monsanto

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March Against Monsanto

Montreal, Canada, March Against Monsanto

Napa, California, March Against Monsanto

Victoria, British Columbia, March Against Monsanto

Philidelphia, Pennsylvania, March Against Monsanto




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About the Author

Sustainable Pulse is a global news outlet covering sustainable agriculture, GMOs and pesticides.

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. maria Concilio October 18, 2013 at 17:47 - Reply

    The world does not need Monsanto to compromise our farmers and our food supply! Their vision of agricultural slavery is being protested around the world and stands testament to the subversive, manipulative practices that the biotech industry has for so long adopted to push its products while keeping the masses in the dark. Labeling is the very least requirement in the face of what has been unleashed upon us and we have the right to know if the food we serve our families and eat ourselves has been genetically modified.

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