Following the announcement earlier this week that Washington State’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson had filed a lawsuit against the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) for violating the state’s disclosure laws over the ‘no on I-522’ anti gmo labeling campaign, the GMA has been forced to reveal the full list of donors.

Pepsico, Coca-Cola, Nestle USA and Monsanto have grouped together with other large multi-national companies to try and stop the US public finding out what exactly is in their food:
- Soft drink manufacturers: Pepsico is tops with $1.6 million, just as it was the lead contributor in the 2012 campaign that defeated Prop. 37, a similar measure on the California ballot. Coca-Cola has given $1.047 million to No on 522.
- “Big Chocolate:” NestleUSA has given $1.052 million through the Grocery Manufacturers Association. The Hershey Company has donated $248,305 that’s gone to No on 522.
- The cereal industry: General Mills tops out with $598,819 that has found its way into No on 522 coffers, followed by Kellogg Co. with donations of $221,852 through the “Defense of Brands Strategic Account” fund set up by the Grocery Manufacturers Association.
- Bread and Butter: Bimbo Bakeries — its brands include Orowheat, Sara Lee and Ball Park buns — has given $94,093, while butter maker Land O’ Lakes has donated $99,803.
- Agribusiness: Such firms as Monsanto ($4 million) have given separately to the record-setting No on 522 campaign. But Cargill & Co. put in $98,601 through the Grocery Manufacturers Association, and Conagra — whose products include Hunt’s Tomatoes, Banquet foods and David seeds — has put up $285, 281 to defeat the Washington labeling initiative.
- Canned foods: Del Monte put in $86,576 through the “Defense of Brand” fund, and Campbell Soup gave $265,140. Campbell donated $500,000 directly to the anti-Prop. 37 campaign in California last year.
The food industrial giants gave individually in California last year, contributing to a $46 million war chest that narrowly turned back the labeling measure. Lets hope the end result is better this time!
I have been a professional chef for the last 22 years of my life, and I personally think that we owe it to our customers to do what is right concerning food and how it relates to our planet. We need to continue with the farm to table concept until this large food conglomerates get the message.
Thank you Alejandro. I’m glad there are chefs like you out there who are listening to customers and looking out for them.
Despite the refusal of the food industry to label foods as GMO I have taken personal responsibility in choosing to refuse to buy anything with GMOs in it.
It means continuously educating myself as the choices are continuously changing.
I now refuse to buy anything with corn, soy, cottonseed oil, canola, alfalfa (honey), sugar from beets, salmon (of any kind) etc. The Canadian flax crop is now 100% GMO.
You also have to twig onto the hidden stuff such as “hydrolysed vegetable protein” (soy).
We are now about 15 years into this massive social experiment. If long-term studies pan out, we have about 5-15 years until the cancer rates start to rise significantly.
Don’t forget that Monsanto has genetically engineered alfalfa –hay-across the USA. That means that southerly winds will blow it across the border into Canada, just as rapeseed is growing wild in the USA. I have some certified organic flax from a purchase years ago, which I kept in the freezer.
And although I have some Vital Choice sockeye salmon (“sport”fishing size) which is smaller than other wild salmon, my fractured spine screams whenever I eat animal protein wild or certified organic. To avoid pain and inflammation, I find I must eat beans and dark leafy greens and other veggies.
I’ve taken special note of who contributed to the No on 522 campaign and am educating consumers where I live that these foods may contain GMO’s. I refer them back to this web site for more information on the safety of gmo foods.
I’m hitting all of them in the pocketbook for their ongoing defeats of GMO labeling.
Homemade mushroom and tomato soups give Campbell’s $0 from us. This is a LONGTERM change, a permanent loss in revenue. Cereal is a rare treat from a locally owned company, so Kellogg’s and General Mills can stuff their $1.50/box coupon deals. We drink wild teas at our favorite restaurants, so Pepsi and Coke can see the effects of ongoing deliberate poisoning in the U.S. when they are able to quickly take toxic ingredients out of their product lines but choose not to. We buy local foods in season now and can or freeze our own, so Del Monte lost those dollars, too. I’ve found a farmer for eggs, milk, meats, CSA veggies, and just today, butter. Screw Land O’ Lakes. Even my chocolate is sourced alternatively.
I’m mad that our food supply has gotten so bad at the hands of these corporate giants. Spitting mad.
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I’ve been eating certified organic everything since 1985. Trying to make compost now in a dual chamber tumbler because I keep fracturing spines when using any full size tool to turn it. As soon as my compost is ready, I will grow veggies in cedar boxes 2 feet by 8 feet, which are 4 feet off the ground. I don’t trust the toxic soil in my State, which is heavily sprayed with 2,4-D and Roundup! I’m praying the soil I bought from Vermont is better. My compost is made from only organically grown vegetable wastes and leaves. But I realize that the drift from the fields can enter my property and contaminate everything.
It’s good to hit companies in the pocket book by not purchasing their products. I’m doing that also. But, I am also contributing to the Yes on I-522 campaign even though I do not live in Washington State. Because every state that gains the right to know will ultimately help us all. I’m terrified. I cannot possibly grow all our food, when I can only grow in a 2×8 foot long raised bed which is 4 feet off the ground. I keep seeing more and more organic disappearing daily. I’m frightened for myself, frightening for our only child and her only son. Monsanto is stealing our lives by poisoning our foods, soils, air, rainwater, surface and groundwater with their metal chelators and lies.
If I die an early death, it will not be without a fight!