You Are Browsing ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ Category

Bermuda’s Environment Minister Cole Simons is not prepared to lift the ban on weedkillers containing glyphosate “at this point in time”, he stated Thursday. Source: The announcement, made at a stakeholder consultation meeting on Thursday on the Glyphosate Monitoring Study Draft...

Weedkillers containing both the controversial glyphosate and POE-tallowamine can no longer be sold in Malta. Source: The ban comes...

The European Commission decided Tuesday to register a European Citizens Initiative (ECI) inviting the Commission “to propose to Member States a ban...

Argentinian Federal Prosecutor Fabián Canda has officially filed a request to the Federal Administrative Court of Buenos Aires to prohibit the sale...

Farmers in northeast China’s Heilongjiang province, China’s top grain producer, will be prohibited from growing Genetically Modified (GM) crops,...

Financial conflicts of interest were found in 40 percent of published research articles on the genetically modified crops, also known as GMO crops, French...

EFSA has shared the raw data that was used in the EU safety evaluation of the pesticide glyphosate. The information has been sent to a group of MEPs who...

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued its decisions Friday on whether federal and Hawai‘i state laws preempt Hawai‘i counties’...

Over the last four months, 121 Nobel laureates have signed a letter extolling the safety and benefits of GM crops. Prof David Schubert and Steven M. Druker,...

Sonoma County in California has passed Measure M to ban GMO crop cultivation – YES 55.9% to NO 44.1%. The successful vote on Measure M, which took...