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The European Court of Justice ruled Wednesday that safety tests conducted by the chemical industry and used by regulators to assess the dangers of pesticides must be disclosed. It argued that such research falls under “information on emissions into the environment”, as defined under the Aarhus Convention...

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued its decisions Friday on whether federal and Hawai‘i state laws preempt Hawai‘i counties’...

A report by Food Democracy Now! and the Detox Project found alarming levels of glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s prominent pesticide Roundup,...

Over the last four months, 121 Nobel laureates have signed a letter extolling the safety and benefits of GM crops. Prof David Schubert and Steven M. Druker,...

Glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide linked to Monsanto’s Roundup Ready genetically engineered crops, has been found at alarming levels...

Sonoma County in California has passed Measure M to ban GMO crop cultivation – YES 55.9% to NO 44.1%. The successful vote on Measure M, which took...

Ignoring the legal requirement to examine threats to endangered species, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved Wednesday the use of the dangerously...

In an interview by Bill Maher revealed on Twitter on Friday, U.S. President Barack Obama discussed issues such as food purity, GMOs, pesticides and antibiotics.#HealthCare...

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign Chairman, John Podesta, who is at the center of the Wikileaks e-mail storm, has now been linked to lobbying payments...

In a nationwide referendum on the 2nd October 2016 Colombian voters rejected the government’s peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia,...