On March 20th, a scientific working group consisting of seventeen experts from eleven countries released their evaluation of the herbicide glyphosate and...
In a new report published today, GeneWatch UK publishes evidence that genetically modified (GM) insect factories could spread antibiotic resistant bacteria...
The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) has joined the Global GMO Free Coalition (GGFC) in a move that has added to the pressure...
The Global GMO Free Coalition welcomes the launch of the largest ever study on GMO and pesticide safety – Factor GMO. This is the type of study that...
The World’s Largest Study on GMO and Pesticide Safety was launched by Factor GMO in London, UK on Tuesday.
Source: www.factorgmo.com
The $ 25 million...
On Wednesday Sustainable Pulse received a media advisory regarding the launch of a $ 25 Million international study on GMO and pesticide safety in Central...
Chinese GMO-free advocates are currently facing a struggle in Beijing to force the Chinese Agriculture Ministry to release the studies that led to the...
Prominent doctors, scientists and business leaders today urged Congress to pressure the Obama administration to reject an application to market “Enlist...