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GMO Evidence has today published The Yucatan Times’ breaking news regarding the death of 1500 bee colonies caused by the spraying of Monsanto’s Roundup on GM maize in an impoverished Mayan farming community in Mexico. 1,500 colonies of honeybees, from a community in Hopelchen, Campeche, died this...

Lawmakers in Hawaii have become some of the first in the US to support labelling on genetically modified food after the House Committee on Agriculture...

GMO crops and GMO foods developed by Monsanto and other biotechnology giants are currently under the closest public scrutiny they have seen in their thirty-year...

As more and more research emerges about the unparalleled dangers to planet Earth posed by genetically modified crops (GMOs), the team at Infomatic Films...

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has decided not to lend a hand to the GMO giant Monsanto, in a move that has left the controversial...

A hidden viral gene, from cauliflower mosaic virus, has been discovered by EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) in GMO crops, which has caused shockwaves...

Nearly 300 family farmers, activists, and members of Food Democracy Now! gathered in front of the White House today, directly after a hearing on the landmark Organic...

Twenty-two pieces of junk science from the Lynas Manifesto: By Dr Brian John Past Lecturer in Geography, University of Durham 6th January 2013 In a high-profile...

Urgent need for long-term toxicity and cancer studies on GM foods is a new one-stop resource that provides citizens, the media, and scientists...

2012 was the year the lights came up on the biotech industry. Its claims, its tactics and its products all came under scrutiny and some of its biggest...