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Ten NGOs based in Europe have delivered an Open Letter to the Chinese Embassy in London, pleading with the Chinese people to take direct action to address the global health crisis associated with the increasing concentrations of glyphosate/Roundup in the food supply. This unusual action, spurred by the recent...

After the WHO’s classification of glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen”, Brazil’s cancer institute has condemned GM crops for placing the country...

Environmental Working Group released a new analysis Tuesday debunking the myth that genetically engineered crops (often called GMOs) will be crucial...

On March 20th, a scientific working group consisting of seventeen experts from eleven countries released their evaluation of the herbicide glyphosate and...

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are sponsoring a secret meeting Monday...

The legal battles over the existing ban on the planting of GM maize in Mexico continue to unfold with a string of four important court victories by the...

A first study of its kind has found that GM maize transgenes have penetrated the informal seed supplies of smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape, South...

300 farmers have taken over the building where Brazil’s GMO regulator CTNBio was meeting Thursday to decide about whether to approve GE eucalyptus...

The Fast Track High Court in Accra, Ghana sat on Tuesday for the second hearing of the GM crops case submitted by plaintiffs Food Sovereignty Ghana (FSG)...

US agencies, funders such as the Gates Foundation, and agribusiness giant Monsanto are trying to force unwilling African nations to accept expensive and...