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GMO Myths and Truths, the scientific case against genetically modified (GM) crops and foods, is now available as a book in a condensed and updated version. The first edition of GMO Myths and Truths was published in 2012 and the second in 2014 as free online pdf downloads. The 2014 version is still available...

Uzbekistan’s President Islam Karimov has stated that the country will ban the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in baby food over health...

U.S. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has turned his focus to supporting GMO labeling and attacking Monsanto’s interests this week after Hillary...

The Munich Environmental Institute (Umweltinstitut München) has released shocking results Thursday of laboratory testing it has completed on 14 of the...

On Thursday thirteen civil society organisations active in agriculture and environmental issues have officially alerted the European Commission that the...

The European Commission is proposing the re-approval of the controversial active ingredient glyphosate, which is used as a herbicide among other applications,...

A US Senate committee is working on a new ‘Dark Act” legislation that would prevent states from requiring labels on genetically modified foods....

A new paper published today in the open access Journal ‘Environmental Health’ has shown the concerns of top global scientists regarding the damage...

Following the Russian State Duma’s approval of the first reading of a bill to ban the cultivation of genetically modified crops (GM crops) in 2015, there...

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) published a review last Friday that has suggested that the...