Arizona Science Institute Launches First Ever Glyphosate Testing Biobank

Posted on Oct 24 2017 - 4:01pm by Sustainable Pulse

MetricBio have launched the first ever Glyphosate Biobank, to help shed further light on the levels of glyphosate in the U.S population and to help researchers to investigate human health issues surrounding the World’s most used herbicide, The Detox Project reported on Tuesday.

Join The First Ever Glyphosate Biobank from The Detox Project on Vimeo.

The Glyphosate Biobank, which is being coordinated by The Detox Project alongside MetricBio, is being funded by members of the public who would like to find out the levels of glyphosate in their urine.

The Detox Project’s Director, Henry Rowlands, stated Tuesday  that “Following our work in coordination with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) in 2015, which produced the first ever validated data on levels of glyphosate in urine across the U.S. , we are now moving on to a much larger glyphosate study in coordination with MetricBio.”

The new study being performed by MetricBio is again involving the general public but this time we are not only giving people the opportunity to find out the level of glyphosate in their urine, we are also enabling them to be part of a ground-breaking Glyphosate Biobank, which will aim to help this and future generations to find out details about the health effects of glyphosate.


Test Yourself for Glyphosate and Join New Glyphosate Biobank

Glyphosate Residue Free Certification

Glyphosate in Popular American Foods

1o Things You Need to Know about Glyphosate

Who are MetricBio?

MetricBio is a sister company of the World famous Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), which is based in Arizona.

Research at TGen is focused on helping patients with diseases such as cancer, neurological disorders and diabetes. They are also on the cutting edge of translational research where investigators are able to unravel the genetic components of common and complex diseases.

TGen is led by Jeffrey M. Trent, who was the founding Director of NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute in the U.S. . The closeness of TGen to this project marks a massive step in the glyphosate debate – as the scientific power of TGen is unquestionable.

What is the Glyphosate Biobank?

Participation in this study costs $125 and supports a knowledge-based approach to understanding glyphosate exposure in the general U.S. population. Only by sampling a large pool of individuals can scientists achieve a true representation of exposure levels.

Rowlands stated Tuesday that “this is not just an exposure study; it is also an opportunity to create a game-changing resource for the entire glyphosate research community and individuals concerned about its widespread use.”

The collected urine samples will form the cornerstone of a Biobank — a biological sample warehouse — that when sufficiently stocked will become freely available to researchers around the globe who wish to conduct additional studies on how glyphosate exposure impacts health.

Rowlands concluded that “This exposure and Biobank study will collect data from around the U.S. and make the data public for all to see and understand.”

If you would like to participate in this study please click on the following link to read the full details and to order your glyphosate study kit.

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About the Author

Sustainable Pulse is a global news outlet covering sustainable agriculture, GMOs and pesticides.

3 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Vicky swift October 24, 2017 at 19:47 - Reply

    I’ve already had my urine checked with great Plains labs. Show I am in 99th percentile for glyphosate. I wrote ceo of Monsanto asking how I might get this toxin out of me. One of their pr pp called me back telling me glyphosate will not persist in body past 3 days. He also wanted lab where I was tested. Called them and called me back admitting the large amount of pp testing high was clinically significant. Never heard from him again. I don’t want to pay 125 for a test I already had. You are welcome to copy of my labs tho. However, if this will allow me info on how to get out of body, will consider.

    • A. October 27, 2017 at 04:22 - Reply

      Vickie, I as well am getting a urine sample tested, haven’t gotten results back yet. As for ways to detox from it thru many podcast lectures, some options include …infrared sauna (dry heat type)…you can actually purchase on Amazon. I suggest you do more thorough research before final decision on which type & brand and there has been good results with cows that had high glyphosate levels. If I remember correctly… Bentonite clay, saurkraut/juice, and an organic diet. Just do some further thorough research, good resources are Dr Zach Bush, Dr. Anthony Samsel, Stephanie Seneff, and Good luck on your endeavors!
      By the way, when it comes to possibe accumulation in blood and or bone tisue/marrow…I have yet to know if those methods cache clear out those deeper tissues. Try to improve/protect you’re microbiome with RESTORE supplement.

    • Cynthia Joan Morrison November 18, 2017 at 04:02 - Reply


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