President Obama Admits ‘Legitimate Concerns’ in GMO Debate

Posted on Nov 7 2016 - 10:29pm by Sustainable Pulse

In an interview by Bill Maher revealed on Twitter on Friday, U.S. President Barack Obama discussed issues such as food purity, GMOs, pesticides and antibiotics.

President Obama’s main comments on GMOs can be seen below:

“In the GMO debate there are some areas where there are legitimate concerns, there are some areas where the science seems to indicate that this is OK.”

“If it turns out that some of these genetically modifed foods aren’t healthier, aren’t more productive and use more pesticides then we should follow the science. If in some cases they are not causing any harm then we should follow the science there as well.”

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Sustainable Pulse is a global news outlet covering sustainable agriculture, GMOs and pesticides.

6 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Juliet M Castille November 8, 2016 at 20:54 - Reply

    Dear President Obama,
    Please stop GMO’S from being hidden from the people by reversing “The Dark Act”! The United States citizens have the right to know what is in our food! I beg you, please don’t let these Conglomerate Companies hide what is in our food! If it’s supposedly okay to eat, why are they hiding the fact that it’s Genetically Modified?

  2. Larry McChesney November 9, 2016 at 02:13 - Reply

    We will never know what damage is being done without lo ng term testing. None has been done, to date, and none is planned, except to use us as guinea pigs!

  3. David R.(Canada) November 9, 2016 at 21:08 - Reply

    Obama is a hypocrite!
    In 2008, when he was running president the first time, he stated that he wanted labelling of GMOs. Since taking office he has repeatedly blocked any labelling laws.
    I believe nothing this man says.

  4. Lina November 14, 2016 at 16:14 - Reply

    Is he blatantly lying or what? Michelle Obama proudly talks about her little Organic Garden at the White House but Obama signs bill that forever exempts Big Food from placing GMO labels on food packages so the rest of us that are not blessed like the Obama’s have to decipher which food is real!? Utterly disgusting!

  5. Rebeca November 15, 2016 at 00:26 - Reply

    Please label the GMOs food we want clean food

  6. Debbie k November 16, 2016 at 22:11 - Reply

    There is PLENTY of evidence out there that says other wise. GMO’s ARE toxic!!! will tell you that DR. Brownstein DR. AXE an plenty of other documented papers out there will tell you. They KNOW full well that gmo’s are not good. Monsatan is a money grubbing ********* that only cares about money!! WAKE UP cancer an tumors an more disease is on the rise SO STOP POISNING US! Just freaken label your so called food, which it is not it should be called glyphosate!!! An if this GMO crap is as healthy as they say it is then why do they have to pay these so called DR.s to say that the GMO’S are fine for us to eat!!!! If they have nothing to hide then label it so we can avoid you’re poision!! Stop using us to get rich!!! You’re killing us while you go home an eat ur organic food!! BASTARDS! Thanks Obama for lying to us again!!! And why would you let a pesticide company make our food!! DUH! Would you go into home depo an drink round up of course not is toxic but it’s in our food right?!!!!!

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