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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued its technical comments to the Senate Agriculture Committee on the proposed GMO labeling Dark Act bill being put forward by Senators Roberts and Stabenow, and they are strongly critical. Most notably the FDA red flags the bill’s narrow and ambiguous...

The unelected European Commission (EC) has unilaterally extended the license of glyphosate until the end of 2017, despite the democratic European member...

Russia’s State Duma adopted Friday the third and final reading of a government bill that introduces a total ban on the cultivation and breeding in...

The European Union Appeals Committee has failed to reach agreement over the re-licensing of the World’s most used herbicide, glyphosate, with France...

On Thursday, U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) announced a deal on legislation related...

Environmental, food safety and organic farming organizations are demanding clear public information about a controversial plan to conduct an open air field...

June’s European Parliament plenary saw five different votes related to GMOs. Altogether they give a good idea of the European Parliament’s very...

The Great Glyphosate Rebellion continues at full pace in Europe as a new European Commission proposal for a temporary license extension of 18 months...

The amount of the herbicide atrazine that’s released into the environment in the United States is likely harming most species of plants and animals,...

Today, U.S. soybean producers spend 88 percent more on crop protectant products than they did six years ago, stated the 2015 National Ag Statistics Survey...