New Paper Focuses on Critical Mistakes in Pesticide and GMO Regulation

Posted on Jul 20 2018 - 1:43am by Sustainable Pulse

Few people engaged today in the important debates over regulation of agricultural biotechnology know or remember much about the critical debates that unfolded when the gen-one wave of ag biotechnologies first hit the beach.


Today, as CRISPR-driven, largely untested technology rolls on shore, attention to lessons learned in the past (but thus far unheeded) might be helpful in finding a more constructive path forward. But as Brother Lipson is quick to point out, “or not.”

“Why Regulators Lost Track and Control of Pesticide Risks: Lessons From the Case of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides and Genetically Engineered-Crop Technology” looks back, highlighting the wisdom and forethought embedded in the resistance-management provisions applicable to Bt-transgenic technology, and the costly error in judgement made by the EPA in leaving glyphosate-resistance management to the “market.” This July 2018 paper appears in Current Environmental Health Reports.

The analysis of past mistakes in this paper is largely common knowledge now, but the recommendations to fix shortcomings in law and ag biotech regulatory policy will surely not be universally welcomed.

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About the Author

Sustainable Pulse is a global news outlet covering sustainable agriculture, GMOs and pesticides.

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