In an historic ruling on Thursday Brazil’s Federal Appeals Court has unanimously decided to cancel the release for cultivation of Bayer’s Liberty Link GM Maize.

The ruling is another legal disaster for the biotech industry as it follows the decision taken earlier this week by a court in the Campeche region of Mexico to ban GM Soybean cultivation, to protect the traditions of the Mayan people, namely beekeeping.
The Brazilian Court annulled the decision by Brazil’s Biosecurity Commission (CTNBio), who had allowed the release for cultivation of Liberty Link GM Maize. The civil action against CTNBio was started by Land Rights, the Brazilian Institute for Consumer Defense – IDEC and the National Association of Small Farmers.
The decision is reported to have created new legal paradigm and may force Brazilian authorities to reconsider all other commercial releases of GMOs in Brazil. Never before has a Judge stated that there is a need for studies on the negative impacts of GMOs in all major biomes in the country.
Federal Judge Candido Silva Alfredo Leal Junior, read excerpts from his decision for about an hour and a half. In addition to his comments on biomes, the Judge ordered CTNBio to develop standards to enable the general public to have access to documents in the file processed by the Commission, allowing for their qualified involvement in the process of trade liberalization.
Lawyer Fernando Prioste stated that the decision will have a major impact on the GMO issue in Brazil because it forces the national regulators to carry out studies to assess risks in all biomes areas and forces CTNBio to give ample transparency to the processes of releasing GMOs into the environment; “Today’s vote deserves detailed study because it covers the topic in depth, analyzing the legal aspects combining the social and economic consequences of the release of GMOs in Brazil for future generations.”
“After ten years of the commercial release of GM crops in Brazil, the debate over the issue has seriously intensified , exposing the weakness of pesticides and GMO-based agriculture. The Court decision today is an important element that will support the people’s struggle for a model of agriculture based on agro-ecology, which guarantees rights for farmers and healthy food without pesticides for the population,” Prioste concluded.
10 years of releasing GMO crops in Brazil? Does that means that all soya and corn mass produced ever since has been GMO?
Is this a ban only on Bayer’s corn? Is Monsanto allowed into the country? I have noticed that GMO corn is sold widely in Brazil. Found in corn meal, oil, margerine and even into soft cheese?
Please inform, does this regulation change all that? Many thanks
Dear Ivone,
The large majority of all Soybeans and Corn cultivated in Brazil is now GMO sadly.
This is only a ban on one variety of Bayer’s corn. Monsanto dominates the seed market in Brazil.
This ruling will not change all that over night but it is a serious warning to the Biotech industry in the country.
Best Wishes,
Sustainable Pulse Team
Oi Ivone… infelizmente é verdade sim… a Monsanto é uma empresa muito forte no Brasil e a população come comida geneticamente modificada sem saber… assim como a maioria não sabe nada sobre Fluor na água. O sistema é corrupto, o governo é vendido, os 3 poderes são vendidos e a mídia existe pra confirmar as mentiras e manter oculta a verdade. Os médicos são vendidos também, pois ocultam o conhecimento. A população está doente e morrendo sem nem saber porque.
Please continue to do this good work. All of us who are educated about GMO and pesticides know what is happening to native crops and pollenators
Just did a small Twitterstorm for the cause. Keep up the good work and global GMO headlies!
Can you provide a more authoritative source of this article /report, such as a news media link in Brazil? Thanks.
We are a group of journalists who have worked for the top news agencies worldwide – so we are not sure about the word ‘authoritative’. However, here is a link for you:
Best Wishes,
Sustainable Pulse Team
I’m American born lived most of my life in Australia. Thank god for the likes of Sustainable Pulse.
How else will the world be aware of the GMO threat now and to our future.
There is no doubt in my mind that the main priority in the future will be how to feed the worlds population.
The second most important priority and one that impacts on the first is our soil and the pollinators to insure we can continue to grow the foods to sustain life on this planet.
I was about to say “In a nut shell”
And I’ve been a Macadamia grower for years. So in a nut shell we need to build our soils organically and chemically free.
Look after our bees, and think about the side affects of a GMO future and how it will impact on our sustainability.
It’s a learning process and we need to stay alert and concerned. My children are already making changes to how they buy their food. And what is in the products they buy. Their children, my grand children are our future hopes. And by teaching them about what is healthy for them and why. They can make a difference!
Good on you Brazil for taking a stand. And thank you Sustainable Pulse.
Cheers. Mark
Thank you Mark. We agree 100% with your comments.
Strangely enough our team is currently eating Macadamia nuts in our office in Australia.
Best Wishes,
Sustainable Pulse Team
Oponerse a los cambios positivos que logra la ciencia para el mejoramiento de los cultivos, es retroceder a los logros que se ha alcanzado en conseguir mejores cosechas. La investigación en ingeniería genética tiene muchos descubrimientos valiosos, que nosotros desconocemos. Todos los cultivos que conocemos hoy en día tienen en su composición genética cambios transcendentales, son el fruto de la dedicación de horticultores, campesinos, investigadores anónimos. Desde tiempos remotos el hombre a modificado los organismos vivos para obtener de ellos provecho. A futuro debemos ser cuidadosos en su manejo para no terminar en controversias de tipo jurídico, que difícilmente explican el concepto científico. Se debe vigilar para que las multinacionales no monopoilicen el manejo de los recursos biológicos.
Could you possibly provide links that discuss adverse effects of GMO foods – of ANY kind:
(1) That have been researched by a scientific organization, and,
(2) Whose data and findings have been published in well known and peer-reviewed scientific journals?
If possible, please also send the links to the email address provided here.
Thank you.